Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The Discovery

Sometimes when you are looking for something like worms, you might find an arrowhead. Or if you’re looking for mushrooms, you might be lucky enough to find a spearhead. You will be very surprised, and extremely excited you discovered them!

About five years ago, Samuel, Isaac and I were going to go fishing, so I got a container and went out to look for some fishing worms. I looked under several logs in the field and found a few, so I headed up to the house. Walking slowly through the field looking at the ground, I saw a funny shaped rock. It was a little bit buried in the ground. I set down my container of worms and started to pull it out. I could not believe my eyes, for it was an arrowhead! I was so excited that I ran straight up to the house to show my family what I found. Everyone was excited and we went down to see if there were any more.

A year later we all were mushroom hunting. Crossing the creek, I saw a little rock on the side of the bank. I walked up to it and picked it up. It looked like an arrowhead, but it was a little bit longer and pointier. I showed it to Dad, and he said it was a spearhead! I was overly excited! I showed everyone and they were incredibly surprised that I found it.

I like to make up a story that a Native American went out hunting long ago and saw a stag in the field. He took aim with his bow and shot. The arrow flew through the air and hit the stag in the side and fell to the ground. The deer didn’t fall, but just ran toward the creek. The Indian grabbed his spear and ran after the deer. He followed the deer and when it started to cross the creek, the Brave saw his chance to throw his spear. The spear hit the buck and the deer then it fell on its side. Running up to the animal, the Indian took out his spear and put it on the ground. Then in his excitement, he dragged the deer to his tribe, his spear long forgotten. That’s where I found it!

Even though no one knows the story of what really happened except the Indian that shot it, I am glad I discovered the arrowhead and the spearhead. I have the honor of finding the very first arrowhead ever found on Providence Prairie! If you happen to walk in a field or a creek, you may be able to find one, too. And don’t forget to make up your own tale to go with it!


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