Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Paper and Glue

I have always loved mail. The hope of a promised letter, the surprise of an envelope arriving just for me, these things give mail an extra special meaning. The thought that someone had been thinking of me and spent their time and energy to let me know, makes me smile. I have a whole bag of envelopes packed with heart-felt missives and dear memories from family and friends.

The other day I had the desire to make cards of my own. Gathering the needed supplies from Mama, I headed to the table. Scissors, check. Glue, check. Paper, check. Ideas, check. I was ready to get started.

I sat down and got to work. Snip, glue, and measure. Ask mama for some advice and if I can use her fancy cutting scissors. Sit down again and work for a while. Make a butterfly template. Time to work on dinner. Done for the day.

Realizing how much fun it was to design my own cards, I asked if anyone else wanted to help me create. Isaac and Unique did. They sat down and produced their own designs. It was fun watching, helping, and designing with them. They both made beautiful cards.

Once the cards were finished and I decided who I would send them to, I began decorating the envelopes. This was my favorite part. Nothing tops a beautifully home-made card, except one in a beautifully decorated envelope.

It was a lot of work and somewhat time consuming to make the cards, but it was definitely worth the endeavor. Although they’re just constructed with a little paper and glue, I am excited to send off my creations. I hope that they will bring joy to the receivers. What better way to tell someone your thinking of them than a joy-filled, personally made greeting card?!


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