Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Family Worship

For the past 20 years, gathering together at the end of the day to give honor to God, praise to Jesus, encouragement to one another, the passing on of information, and enjoying a family read aloud has been a regular part of our day. Most evenings you will find us huddled in the living room for a time to reconnect from the day’s regular activities. Sometimes it may be ten minutes, while other times maybe an hour, but however long, it has proved to be a valuable asset to our family’s wellbeing.

Contrary to what we call the get-together- “Family Worship,” it is certainly not worship of the family, but worship of our Creator God and Savior Jesus. We may read some Scripture, listen to memory verses, sing songs of praise, have a devotion, pray, or tell how we have been blessed. However we share, it is always inspiring and motivating to end the day acknowledging that we serve a risen Savior.

As we recollect the day’s events, we may find ourselves feeling joy, regret, guilt, repentance, delight, glee, sorrow, or triumph. If it was a negative event, we are able to teach and guide and make sure everyone knows they are loved and cared for, before heading to bed for the night. If it was a positive event, we are all able to share in that again, as we laugh and smile at one another. This special time together helps bring unity to our family, allows us to prepare for the next day, helps keep us strong together, and draws us closer to God as a family unit.

amily read aloud rounds out the evening as Rhonda brings a book to life. We sit in amazement while she makes the words come alive page by page. From classics like Treasure Island, Charlotte’s Web, or The Little Princess to children’s series like The Box Car Children, each one is listened to intently while on the edge of our seats. We all groan as she stops at such pivotal points, not wanting the evening to come to an end, but we are left excited as we look forward to the next evening picking up where we left off.

There are days that we skip our time of family worship, but by and large we all look forward to that special time together. We are thankful for those who have gone before us and set the example for us to follow, as we continue on this blessed journey of family life.


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