Thursday, May 5, 2022

Fantastic Fun Stop Motion Films

One day Mom showed us how to make stop motion films. Then she made a short one. It was amazing. We have been making stop motion films ever since. They are fantastic fun.

When you make a stop motion film, you need a camera, lighting, tripod, and a computer. And of course, you need what you are filming, like Legos, Little People, army men, or anything else. Set up your scene and then take a picture. You move your object just a little bit, then take another picture. Move it a little bit more then take another picture. Soon after you take hundreds of pictures, you will have to edit your film.

(Don't mind the date stamp in the photo.  It was wrong!)

You must make every picture the same amount of time when you are editing. Most movies you see at the theater are played at 24 frames per second. I usually make mine around ten frames per second. I do this with Video Editor, just like you would make a picture slideshow. Then you can add lots of special effects if you like. After you edit it, you will have a picture movie.

I have made lots and lots of various kinds of stop motion films. They are super fun to create. I enjoy setting them up, taking the pictures, and editing them. Every part of the process is exciting! I can’t wait to watch what I made. Although it takes a lot of patience, every part is fantastic fun!


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