Thursday, March 3, 2022

I Love My Locs!

Happy Birthday 2021

Despite the process, locs are surely worth the while! The versatility, simplicity, and flexibility of the style make me glad I made the choice to have them put in so many years ago. I have never regretted the hours of work and fun made possible by my locs.

Getting locs started

The image of Mama and my older sister, Rachel, bending over my head for long hours every day, several days a week is still clear in my mind.

Now, nearly seven years have passed since we began the one-month long journey of creating my locs.

Time is a peculiar thing. One moment I feel as if it hasn't been too long ago, and the next, as if I have had locs my whole life.

Watching Pride and Prejudice via mirror!

Reading books and watching movies, all to keep my mind distracted from the occasional pulls and long spells of sitting, was a fair price to pay for this versatile style.

Locs are so adaptable. There are many numerous ways that I can style my hair. 

Then again, if I need to, just a shake and a half-decent part are all that are needed to be ready for the day! 

Job all Finished!

Trying so many different and assorted ways of arranging my locs has been loads of fun!

Retightening is the only part of locs that could be labeled unenjoyable. When my locs hadn’t been in long, retightening took a few hours each day for a week or more. Now, Mama can have it done in just parts of two or three days. Though it may be time-consuming, and sometimes painful, I love the time it creates for just Mama and me. Reading aloud to her, talking and laughing together, are memories I will always cherish.

Happy Birthday 2018

Looking at pictures from six years ago and comparing them with ones from a more recent date, shows clearly that my locs have grown. It doesn’t always feel that way though. 

Up-do for Jeremiah and Natasha's Wedding

Whether it’s retightening, or waiting for growth, patience is a virtue you definitely have to develop if you sport locs. 

Re-tightening locs 2022

I am hoping to enjoy this style for years and years to come. I love my locs!



Unknown said...

Providence Prairie,

It was a joy to accidently find myself at your BLOG. I enjoyed the lovely shot of you and your brothers - are they brothers? [Haayah?]

I now know MORE about the hard work - as well as the beautiful outcome and result - of the work of love on your stunning hair.

I am not 100% sure you will see these words - but - if you do …
All the best to you all -

[I have made a change to Follow-Up Comments. My present email/contact is:

John N Farndale.
Sydney Australia.

PS Hope you and Familia have not been overly affected by the sadness, pain and deep loss of Covid.

Providence Prairie said...

Thanks for the reply. Her locks have been a lot of work, but each day she appreciates them. All are well here, glad Covid is waning.