Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Second Brigade of Birthdays!

As we turned the calendar to February, it was time for “reinforcements.” The bastions were armed, the battle begun long before in the Garden, and it was now time for the second brigade of birthdays!

February and March bring another influx of birthdays in the McDaniel Family.  It started with our youngest grandchild Merrick completing his first circuit around the sun on January 29th, just six days after Jonah’s birthday. Then February begins with Justus, our first grandson turning eleven on February first.  It is hard to believe it was a few short years ago that he was born!  He is growing into a fine young man. Eleanor, our granddaughter celebrated her birthday on Valentine's Day, followed by Samuel, exactly one week later.


Samuel had grown exponentially in the past year.  He has passed Jonah up and is hot on the tail of Dad!  He is a gentle giant with a heart of gold.  He is continually finding another animal for Critter Corner or conjuring up a story to thrill one of his nieces or nephews.


Next in February is my birthday, followed two days later by our daughter-in-love Clair on March first. 

Not four days more pass before it is Jayla’s birthday.  She turned twenty this year.  You can find her usually tending to the family’s meals or entertaining herself and others at the piano.  

She is becoming quite a fine cook and manager as well as a splendid musician.


Every month thereafter boasts a birthday of one of our children, their spouse, or a grandchild except for November.  Birthday celebrations are a good time to remember where you’re going and what your mission on earth is. It is a time of reflection and encouragement, as we traditionally gather around the birthday person and express why we believe that they are special.  Because. they. are.  It is a delightful time for each of us to give them the small gift of knowing why we think they are distinctive, what they signify to us, and remind them of whatsoever they enrich to this expedition we call life. 

We continue to count ourselves blessed to be encircled with so many spirited young lives in our household and extended family! Each person is a year older, continuing to bolster the fortifications, the values, the bearings, and the endeavors that Mark and I, through the mercy of God, are striving to continue forging into the fabric of our family.  Might God continue to provide the increase! Happy Birthday once again, to the second brigade of birthdays!


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