Wednesday, March 16, 2022


Lambing season has officially started for our Jacob sheep here on Providence Prairie. It started about a week ago when I went down to check on the sheep. We all were pretty sure that a few sheep were going to have their lambs very soon, so multiple times a day, I would check the sheep to see if they had had their babies. One day I went down to check, and I saw one of our sheep standing by two baby lambs!  After looking for a second, I realized that the sheep had had twins!

 I ran to the house and told everyone about the lambs, and they all went down to look. After watching the lambs for a while and making sure they were doing fine, we moved the mother sheep and her two lambs into a separate pen called a jug.

Since the twins were born, two other lambs have been born, one of which was born just yesterday! Jonah and I were working in the barn yard, when we saw one of the sheep off in a corner by itself. We took a closer look and saw that she was having a lamb! 

I went up and told everyone the news, and they came hurrying down to see the lamb being born. Within five minutes, he was born. 

As the mother started cleaning its baby, he was already trying to stand up! 

Soon the lamb was walking around. Later, another lamb that was born was a twin, but his sister sadly died during the long cold night, leaving only one lamb for the mother sheep to care for.

The little lambs and their mothers are now back in with the rest of the herd, playing with each other. They run, jump, and chase each other, only stopping to rest and nurse. They love to chase the chickens, who wander into their pen looking for scraps of corn. They chase them, until the chickens escape by slipping through the fence in a spot where little lambs can’t fit. Cute little lambs are amusing to watch while they play.

Sheep are a fun animal to raise and are helpful here on the farm because they help eat down the grass. Multiple times, the book of John mentions sheep. In John 10:9-11 it says, I am the door; if anyone enters though me, he shall be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal kill and destroy; I have come that they might have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down his life for is sheep. Here on the farm, it is my job to care for the sheep, and every day I feed them, water them, and make sure all the sheep are okay. We have had to save a few lambs from death throughout the year, but once and for all The Lamb saved us.


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