Our family
loves pizza. From the youngest to the oldest, this dish is one that is never

That is why on every single Friday night, you can be sure that you
will find Jayla and me in the kitchen preparing, at a minimum, four delicious pizza
Whenever extended family is in to visit, pizza, at least once, is always on the menu. Our regular number of four pies though, is not enough for the twenty-some in our family.
Six to eight pizzas, plus something else to snack on are what it now takes to feed our growing clan on Friday night.
The little ones adore working with us.
Rolling out the dough, eating pinches of flour, taste testing the sauce multiple times, snitching bits of cheese, begging for a pepperoni! 
What an eye has to be kept on them the whole time, but we have no lack of merriment while we are at it!

There have been a few times that special events fall on Pizza Night. One year, it was Dad and Mama’s anniversary. I remember creating with Jayla, a heart shaped pizza with the pepperonis cut into teeny heart shapes. It was beautiful! Another year for family Christmas we had a huge pizza buffet!
For as long as I can remember our family has made and loved pizza! Don’t get me wrong, we’re not Italian! It is a night of talking and laughing while we crowd into the kitchen, or of sharing a movie together in the living room while we munch away on the deliciousness. It is a night that has, and always will be one of family closeness, love, and good food!
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