Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Gone Milking

It is early in the morning as I step outside, milk pail in hand, and breathe in the fresh country air of a brand new day.  I walk down toward the barnyard admiring the morning glory covered arbor in full bloom, and I hear the roosters crow to tell the whole farm that morning has arrived.  More often than not, by the time I reach the stanchion, the cow, Wilma, is standing there ready to be milked.

We raise Dexters, which are a smaller breed and a great dual-purpose cow.  The cow we are currently milking has been the sole milk supply for our family for the last several months, now.  There are times when the milk gets a little ahead of us and that is when you may find yogurt, butter, cottage cheese, or ice-cream in our refrigerator or freezer.  Farm fresh milk.  Mmm!

When family is visiting, there are quite often some young nieces and nephews who love to accompany me on my morning chore.  “Aunt Jayla, please can you wake me up early in the morning so I can help you milk?”  That is often a question asked before bed.  It is such a sweet thing to watch as a young one tries their hand at milking a cow.  It does not come easy to bring the milk out in the first place, but then making it into the pail as well.  It takes practice.  A lot of the time at first, the warm stream of milk lands on me rather than in the pail.  That brings on the laughter, then I take over when their hands get tired.

Milking is my favorite chore on the farm.  There is something so peaceful about sitting on that old bucket, resting my head on the cow, and softly singing to the rhythm of the milk landing in the pail.

You want to know the best way to start the new day?  Here is how I do it.  Wake up at six o’clock in the morning, read the Bible, then off to the barnyard milk pail in hand.

~Jayla McDaniel   

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