Thursday, April 21, 2022

Snakely Satisfaction

Recently, Jonah, Samuel, Unique, and I went to Contrary Creek to catch a few minnows for enjoyment. We got our BB guns just for fun and started off to the creek. We walked about the distance of our property, around fifteen minutes or so, but could not catch anything.

We were heading back to the house, when I saw a huge rat snake sitting in a tree. He was a couple of feet in the air.

I yelled to Samuel, “Snake, snake! Here’s a snake!”

Samuel came running up quickly. The reptile was staring at us with his round pupils from the branch in the tree. Samuel grabbed it behind the head while we watched. He tried to bite Samuel, but it didn’t work. Samuel was too fast, and he just snapped at the air!

We started going back home to put the big four foot snake in a cage so we could watch him for a while. We made a home for him in a glass aquarium. We put dirt and grass and sticks in it to let him climb. It looked excellent.

Then we put the snake in his new home. He did not want to go in, but he saw that it was safe. We had to take the constrictor out of the cage to let him slide around because he needed exercise. Halayah said that some snakes are ticklish, and this one was! When you rubbed his belly, he would shrink it in!

After a few days, we let him go because he was too big for the tank. We had a challenging time catching food for him, so we took him back to where we found him. He sat there basking in the sun before we left him to go free. He was satisfied to be loose at last.

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