Thursday, September 30, 2021

Wolf Spider

A couple weeks ago, I was walking along in the field and there on the ground was a little hole. I stopped, got a little stick, and poked it down the little hole to see what would come out. I poked for a little while, but nothing would come out. I was about to give up, then a big wolf-spider popped out for one second and darted back into his hole. I poked around in his hole a little harder and the spider came out again, but before it had time to go back into his hole, I blocked it up and caught it.

Wolf spiders have especially good eyesight.  They have eight eyes. They have two big eyes and six little ones. Because of their six eyes, wolf spiders are excellent hunters.  Wolf spiders also have a very good sense of touch.  They can feel when something is coming because they sense vibrations.

A wolf spider mom carries its babies on its back. There can be as many as 200 spiderlings riding on their mother’s back. I think it is amazing that all the spiderlings can hang on and not fall off. Wolf spiders are the only spiders known to carry their babies on their back.

spiders live in all kinds of places and are all different sizes. Did you know that they can be as big as the palm of your hand, or as little as the head of a nail? People once thought that wolf spiders hunted in packs as wolves do. That is how they got their name. I don’t think that is true, but they do hunt at night.

Wolf spiders are one of my top favorite spiders. They are very cool to watch and are amazing hunters.


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