Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Thirty-seven Years and Going Strong


After a break from blogging for a few years, we are at it again.  We hope to have weekly posts, logging our adventures here on Providence Prairie.  

Rhonda and I celebrated thirty-seven years of marriage today by taking the kids to Rend Lake to ride bikes while we took a nice stroll on the bike trail.  As the trail twisted and turned, we found ourselves reminiscing about the twists and turns life has taken us along the way.  With six children still in the house, there is never a dull moment!  The past few years have been filled with loads of excitement and adventure and the future promises the same.  One thing we can count on. . . change.  Socrates said it well:

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy,
not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

One thing we can count on. . . change.  We are choosing to embrace the future we have before us, whatever tomorrow may hold.  Maybe 37 more years?


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