Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Brightly Colored Turtles

About two weeks ago, Jonah and I went to the water pond to look around for tadpoles and minnows. Jonah was raking and raked out a baby red eared pond slider. He did not want it, so he gave it to me. I made a home for it. It loved its new dwelling, but seemed a little lonely, so I went up to the pond and caught two more brightly colored turtles.

Samuel said that he didn't want his turtles anymore, so I took them. He had two snapping turtles and four red eared pond sliders. Now I have seven baby pond sliders. I was excited to have a lot of turtles!

The turtles are very good swimmers. Most of them spend their time on the bank. When I walk around the pond, they slide into the water. It is fun watching them slide into the water. The turtles can't hear very well but have very good vision. They can also feel the vibration in water, and if something touches the water they will go under. 

The red eared pond slider usually eats very small fish, plants, and other things that grow or live in the water. I usually feed mine tadpoles, frogs, worms, and minnows.

I am glad that I got my colorful turtles. It has been fun and exciting to watch them eat what I feed them, and to watch them swim around in the tank. Although I do have to clean it twice a week, I am planning on keeping the red eared pond sliders maybe for the rest of this summer. When it is time, I will let them go back into the water pond where I found them.


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