Friday, January 14, 2022

Pieces Of Seed

When it gets toward wintertime, we start putting birdseed in the feeders. There’s not much food in the cold weather. The birds are happy to get something to eat.

When it is my turn to do the porch chores, I get to fill the bird feeders. We have two large bird feeders. One is in between the house and the driveway, and the other is near the back porch.

Every day that I walk outside to do the feeding, I look at the bird feeder and I see a lot of birds there. I see cardinal birds, blue jays, chickadees, downy woodpeckers, and various other birds. Juncos like to eat the seed that falls on the ground.

Usually, Karina our cat is sitting beside the bird feeder waiting to catch a bird, but I scare her away from it. We don’t want her to get them.

I love watching the birds come and go as they get pieces of seed. I am glad that God created birds.

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