Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Seven Days Of the Week

The Romans tried a six day week; the French Revolution introduced a ten day week. They just didn't work.  Some say we originated the seven day week in honor of the 7 planets in our solar system. Really!?

Some say it's all because of the astrological skills of ancient Babylon.  Hmmm. . .  While the names may have changed throughout history, the fact still remains that "in the beginning. . . . God."
Our internal clocks are wired for a seven day week because that is how we were created.  Take a look back to Genesis and find Day one, Day two, Day three. . . and the creativity that amazingly took place in each twenty-four hour period!

It is said that the days of the week were actually named by the Norsemen who invaded England in the centuries preceding the Norman Conquest. They changed the Roman designation of the days named for Rome's gods and gave them the Norse counterpart. 
The Gregorian calendar is now used by the governments of all countries.  And when it is used, we have a week of seven days used in conjunction with it.

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