Tuesday, August 1, 2023

They Look Very Tasty

Earlier this year, as we planted the garden with tomatoes, cabbage, and lots of other things, we came to a box where we generally plant vining green beans. This year we wanted to try asparagus beans. These beans are also known as snake beans, yard long beans, and Chinese beans.

It was exciting because it was the first time to plant yard long green beans. The average size of snake beans is around 18 inches. The one that I measured was twenty-eight inches long. It was massive!

After a couple of months of waiting, we started to see long, but skinny looking beans that needed to fatten before we could pick them. A week or so later, a bucket full was ready to harvest, so we began to collect them. They were huge compared to the regular size that we typically gather. Asparagus beans are a warm-season crop and grow best in temperatures ranging between 80°F and 90°F, which made Providence Prairie the perfect spot to grow them.

After we picked the massive beans, we headed to the house to snap them. Mom told us to snap them about six inches long, so we could use them for stir fry vegetables. So, we began to snap.

When we completed the snapping job, we blanched them, and let them cool. Then we brought out some freezer bags and started to fill them, so that we could freeze them for later. So far, we have two gallon bags full of beans. It looks like we might get more.

I am glad that we planted foot long green beans and I wonder if we will plant them next year? I can’t wait to try them. They look very tasty.



Anonymous said...

I Love Long Beans!!!

Providence Prairie said...

What do you do with them? We've stir fried them mostly and they're oh so good!