Tuesday, August 22, 2023

I Will Never Forget

August 8,2011, is a day that I will never forget. For on that day, twelve years ago, I and my siblings first came to live with our new family on their farm, Providence Prairie. What a sudden shifting and adjusting occurred in everyone’s lives, what a wonderful, amazing, unexpected future lay ahead of us. What an eventful and memorable date that I will never forget.

My first remembrances of that long-ago day are of riding in our Case-worker’s red minivan on our way to our new home. I remember how we flooded her with questions and how she patiently answered each one. I will never forget thinking about it all as we traveled along, I couldn’t wait to get there!

I will never forget pulling down the gravel driveway. Gazing out in wonder at the outbuildings and farmyard. Then, seeing for the first time our home. I remember quickly climbing out of the car and running and jumping into Dad’s arms. 

It’s amazing, thinking back on it, how in some way, we all had a feeling this was forever. Though our adoption day wouldn’t roll around until three and a half years later, in our family’s books, we were here to stay.

I remember the trip through the house and around the barnyard. How comfortable and inviting everything looked inside, and how strange and exciting all the animals were to us. I will never forget looking at and holding the rabbits, cute and cuddly balls of furry softness. I remember how one young one scratched me on the underside of my forearm, I still have a very faint scar from it that I treasure. 

I will never forget riding on Rusty the donkey. How I sat upon him timid and nervous, Samuel sitting behind me holding onto my waist. We would have plenty of animal adventures from then on until now.

How blessed were the five of us that day when Dad and Mama decided to take us in. How sure am I that God was watching over us even before then, and how positively I know He continues to guide and direct us each day. How true are the verses,” The unfortunate commits himself to you, you have been a helper of the orphan” and “A Father to the fatherless…. God makes a home for the lonely.” Also, “In You, the orphan finds mercy” How marvelous and gracious is the God we serve!

What a lot has occurred and transpired since that life-changing day. Time moves constantly on, and we are swept along with it. I am excited to see what lies ahead for our family. Like Mama always says, life is never stagnant but like a river it winds and flows along, every step of the way bringing new and shifting changes. No matter what is in store for me in the future though, the day I became a McDaniel is a day I will never forget.



Anonymous said...

Ah, I remember the first week you were there, because we were there too. So many changes. New, exciting, scary. What a beautiful journey you are on. God bless you sweetheart.

Providence Prairie said...

Thank you for sharing. Good is so good to us all!