Thursday, June 1, 2023

Lego Business

I am building small Lego rental houses for my business. Jonah, Samuel, Isaac and I play Legos together and each one of us runs a business. We have fun together when we play.

I have sorted out the pieces by color. I thought it would be cool to have the pieces separated into different colors so that I could grab the ones that I wanted. Mama gave me separate bags to put the different colors in.

I wanted to make a Lego city. It’s going to be fun building the houses. Did you know that six 2x4 Lego bricks can be changed more than nine hundred fifteen ways. I’m going to see if I can change them more than that. Did you also know that a row of around forty billion Lego bricks can reach to the moon? That’s crazy! I don’t think we have that many.

When I build my houses, I put all my bricks on the large flat pieces. I ran out of them, and I don’t think I have enough left to build on, but I’m going to try as hard as I can to keep building. The flat piece makes the ground, and it makes it easier to build a house or building. I have built one house for Samuel, and I am making one for Jonah. I get paid fifty dollars each month since they are rental houses.

Since we do our marketing with Lego’s, I am getting a lot of business and money. It’s only play money made from small, flat Lego pieces. Isaac has a tow truck business. Samuel is a policeman. Jonah is an inventor who works for Lego NASA. Sometimes he causes trouble in the play town. That gives Samuel something to take care of.

On average, every person on Earth owns eighty-six Lego bricks. I like pretending our community with the Legos. I know we own more than eighty-six Legos, because we have a lot. With the Legos we own, we just have so much fun.


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