Thursday, September 29, 2022

Two For One

Two large orange Tupperware bowls have been employed in our kitchen for many years. We use them for a variety of chores: mixing, holding, bread rising, you name it. This noteworthy afternoon, Jayla put yeast rolls to rising in one of the sizeable handy bowls.

I attempt to take every opportunity to equip my children for the future, and this day was no exception. I explained to the girls that if you preheated the oven and turned it off, then sprayed the interior with a mist of water, it would make the perfect warm moist place for the yeast to do its job of multiplying and causing the bread to rise. Because it was out of our ordinary routine, Jayla was somewhat hesitant. I assured all parties involved, that they would be amazed. They indeed would wind up being just that!

Tucked away inside the environment of the dark oven, the dough worked its magic while we busied ourselves with various other tasks. I started in on putting together some tasty, spiced pecans with Unique. Halayah was occupied with other kitchen endeavors. Somebody automatically preheated the oven for some particularly delightful goodness to be deposited inside and baked.

Shortly, the most peculiar smell began to waft through the kitchen. Straightway, I remembered the roll dough that Jayla had stationed in the oven! Calamity and ruin! We swiftly removed the now fragile bowl with its even flimsier lid from the oven and took it directly out the back door. I carefully withdrew the lid, as a portion of it simultaneously dissolved upon itself. Hastily, we lifted the salvageable dough from the otherwise normal looking soft bowl and set it safely aside to finish its ascent. The bowl, we nudged back into a somewhat round-ish shape and left it on the railing of the deck to cool. As it cooled, it became more brittle and even cracked at the rim.


This Tupperware bowl remarkably continued to serve us acceptably for several months, maybe even years until I recently spotted its replacement at a local resale establishment. There, I spied not one, but two Tupperware bowls of the identical size! I could now replace the well-used orange bowl that we had sadly denigrated. 

We still retain the twin to the melty piece, and these two- a yellow bowl and a green bowl, joined our assembly. We were indeed blessed with two for one. We directly dispatched the abused bowl to be recycled into another useful item.

Items come into our possession and items leave our hands. There is a time and season for everything. Our bowl had lost its usefulness due to our carelessness. While it lasted, the old partly melty bowl stood as a sentinel to our mistake made. It humbly reminded us to check the oven before we preheated it, yet faithfully it still served while it could. Nevertheless, we do truly appreciate the assistance and versatility of the large Tupperware bowls that we employ almost daily in our kitchen. Two for one, our new bowls now ignite delight in our routine and make us smile!


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