Scene I- On a dusty gravel road.
Enter Mama and Halayah
Halayah. Hark! Dost thou hearest
that noise?
Mama. Ah. It seemest to be
the sound of a feline.
Halayah. It has moaned most
piteously these three times we have passed here. Dost thou thinkest it could be
in distress?
Mama. Let us investigate
the matter. Come! The cries sound forth yonder in those trees!
Scene 2- At the
Edge of the Woods
They advance to the edge of the
woods, and gaze into the trees searching for where and whence the cries come.
Halayah. It appearest that the
sounds come from that tree yonder.
Mama. Thou art right. Look
there it liest, in that branch!
A gray and black striped kitten
gazes at them from the branch in the tree and continues to moan.
Halayah. The poor creature!
I would go to its aid, but I fearest the results, for this is not our estate.
Mama. Yes, and also it dost
appear to be no friendly kitten we have happened upon, but the offspring of a
Halayah. A bobcat’s young!
Let us flee from this place!
Mama. Hold! Have no fear,
it is only a poor abandoned cat, see that its tail now falls down long yonder beside
the tree.
Halayah. Ah, yes. Well, assuredly,
the feline shall probably get down upon its own.
Mama. Without a doubt. Let us proceed on.
Exit Mama and Halayah.

Scene 3- Next Morning at the establishment of the
Cox Family. Front Porch.
Enter Halayah and Nathaniel
Halayah. Where couldest thou
Grammy, or otherwise my mama, and Aunt Jayla be, Nathaniel?
Nathaniel. Ount’ noh (I don’t
Halayah. I am persuaded I
sawest them return…
Nathaniel. ‘Mimi!
Nathaniel points to the end of
the driveway at Grammy. He and Halayah watch as Grammy and Jayla approach.
Behind them follows a kitten.
Halayah. Distinctly, it is
the same tiny creature that was fixed in the bush yesterday! Let us proceed and
perceive what the rumor be!
4- Afternoon on same front porch.
After many long hours of
coaxing, the kitten finally warms up to its new surroundings and begins to eat
bits of turkey from the hands of the young girls and toddler boy who watch it
with interest.
Moriah. Look! It dost trust
me now most wholeheartedly!
Galilee. Moriah, pray let
me determine if it will ingest some bits from mine own hand.
Halayah. Move most slowly.
It is still affrighted.
Enter Jayla. Here be a
trickle more meat for the humble creature.
Nathaniel. (Making clicking
sounds in his cheek.) Chk chk. Kitty. Mouw. Holds out his hand with turkey.
Unique. Whatever shall it
be designated?
Enter Mama/Grammy/‘Mimi. Alas,
the creature’s moniker shalt be Okie, on behalf of Oklahoma.

Scene 1- Present
Day Farmstead in Oklahoma
The kitten dubbed ‘Okie’, for
Oklahoma, its native land, is now a proud member of the Cox Family Menagerie. A beautiful gray and black ball of fur, Okie,
the now tamed stray, shares their farm with the three other cats, two dogs,
chickens, guineas, and goats that already make their residence there.
Scene 1-
Waiting to be told as the future is not yet seen.
The story continues to unfold.
. .