Although a little out of the norm, Dale Christian church Family Camp was great this year. It rained all day prior to that evening, so there were no
actual campers, but we
continued with the
workshops and events
just the same. Mark brought the first lesson, reminding us of God's promises. Ironically, shortly after he mentioned the rainbow that God sent to tell Noah about His promise never to flood the earth again, we went outside to find that God had sent us a most beautiful rainbow in the eastern sky. It was a perfect ending to his lesson!

The rain had ceased, but since the ground was
thoroughly soaked, we held our annual Apple Bobbing indoors. After several intense heats, we had
eliminated all but two.

Trey and Steve were left to fight it out in a best-two-out-of-three. Bill, last year's champion had since joined the Air Force. We all thought it would be fitting if his brother Steve would take the
championship title. And the winner is. . .


Next we had our exciting Marshmallow stuff. Several of the white sticky confection were stuffed into each
participant's mouth. Ryan took the lead until Chris
followed, bound and determined to beat his record.

Chris was the winner and holds the title for the biggest mouth! :)

After an indoor "campfire" devotion and a wonderful story by Rhonda, we all headed home to "camp out" in our own homes.
We arrived early the next morning for our workshop on prayer. Ryan challenged us all with his devotion before we engaged in our prayer walk.
After morning worship, we prepared for dinner. Glenna then presented the children and adults with an exciting Treasure Hunt.

After finding the treasure, we were reminded that
"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Ryan and Amanda were in charge of this year's afternoon diversions and had prepared several games for the families to enjoy. By that time, the weather was beautiful and it was dry enough to go outside.

What fun!

After a period of rest and relaxation, we joined one another again for our quarterly fellowship and evening worship service. It was a fun filled weekend spent with fellow believers!
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