Thursday, February 19, 2009

An Oddity of Creation

There are many oddities found among the flora and fauna on Providence Prairie. Recently brought to our attention was this unusual mud dauber nest. No ordinary mud creation, this appeared to be a hieroglyphic casting. The "lady" that built this particular formation attached it to some sort of tag or label. When removed, the underside revealed the interesting hieroglyphics! It appeared to be some ancient form of writing. :) With our wits intact, we scurried to the mirror to unravel the mysterious inscription.
On close perusal, we recognized the reflection in the mirror to be Spanish. Time and pressure, catastrophic events, etc., could have petrified our little formation into a oddity for future generations to puzzle over!

Alas, the rain melted away the mud and the nest was cast aside to add to Providence Prairie's topsoil. Thus this oddity of creation passed into oblivion.

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