BoJangles is our pet starling. He came to live with us last summer when were were taking down a grain bin. Rachel has done a fine job of mothering him. You can read his full story
Almost every morning, he flies around the cabin getting his exercise. In this photo, he is sunning himself on Rachel's arm in the winter sun streaming through the back door. He is still wearing his winter feathering. Often, due to central heat and air, indoor starlings will have off-season feathering as it is warm inside in the winter and cool inside in the summer.
Did you know that starlings can talk? Mr.
BoJangles can whistle a cat-call, forward and backward, and say, "Pretty Bird." We are still working to teach him to say his name as well as "God bless the USA!" He thoroughly enjoys music lesson days as he has the opportunity to whistle and warble along with violins, pianos, and guitars!
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