We were able to spend considerable time in Ohio visiting with family over the Christmas season. The six hour trip took us to our old stomping grounds~ and what a wonderful time we had visiting with extended family!
First stop. . . the McDaniel side of the family. Dennis and his family were there when we arrived at Doris' home and we all
fellowshipped and visited with each other until bedtime. The next day the rest of the family gathered to celebrate Christmas together. Good food is always a part of the festivities!

Each place setting was adorned with precious little chocolate mice created by Jennifer and Joel. They were a great surprise to Mark as he had also planned to make identical delicious little creatures with all who wanted to participate!

Following our meal we enjoyed the fun of White Elephant gifts. What festivity!

We each were given papers with words from the book,
The Night Before Christmas. While Doris read aloud, we arose when our word was read to choose from the pile of White Elephant gifts. It was very entertaining! Throughout the evening, we enjoyed more good food and played a variety of games!

And more games. . .

And more games!
One of the days visiting with the McDaniel side of the family, we were able to minister to the good people in Mamaw Skagg's apartment building with Christmas music and songs.
Afterward, we retired upstairs to continue our visit and enjoy some very entertaining stories!
Another day, we took a reminiscing trip and were able to re-visit many of the places that both Mark and Rhonda remembered as children and young adults. We were even able to tour the house where Trey, Amanda, and Rachel spent the early years of their childhood, thanks to the graciousness of the Hamilton Family. While there, we stopped by Bob and Jane's, our good neighbors still living across the creek!
It had been several years since we had visited with them.
We played some music, sang, and talked.
It was great catching up!
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