Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Too Big To Fit

A windy spring day, I made my way to the chicken house to gather the eggs. It takes a chicken 24 to 26 hours to produce an egg. I had just gathered the eggs the day before and was hoping they would have finished their job. Walking into the pen I peered inside the boxes to see if there were any eggs to gather. There I spotted around fifteen eggs, but in among them all I saw one that was larger than the normal size. I thought that it might be a double yolk egg. It was huge!

A couple of days later Jonah was considering having eggs for breakfast. He asked me about the egg that was resting on top of the egg carton, because it was too big to fit in the carton. I told him that I thought it was a double yolker. He said that he believed it was too because it was so humongous. But there was only one way to find out! We would have to crack it open.

I got the skillet out and Jonah cracked the large mysterious ellipse open. Sure, enough the oversize egg had two yolks in it! The word “yolk” comes from an old English word for yellow. Our farm eggs are sure enough yellow. The most yolks ever found in a chicken egg was eleven! That would be a big banquet in one egg!

Jonah turned on the heat on the stove and after his skillet was hot, he gently slipped the double yolk egg in. He sizzled and fried the tasty breakfast treat. He also seasoned it. Then he slid it onto his plate. It looked funny to see two yolks in a fried egg. Eggs are good for your eyes. They contain lutein which prevents cataracts and macular degeneration. Therefore, Jonah devoured every drop.

It was thrilling to locate the double yolk egg. It is not common that you find an egg with two yolks. I conjectured that it was one because it was so big compared to the other eggs. Sure enough, it was! Unique also found one too! An average hen lays 300 to 325 eggs per year. Double yolk eggs tend to be more frequently laid among young hens than older chickens. Since it is spring our young hens are just starting to lay more eggs. Sometimes the chickens lay eggs that are too big to fit in the carton.


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