Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Signs Of Spring

When I walk outside each morning to do the feeding, I see that the daffodils are blooming, and the crocuses too are flowering. 

Some people call daffodils narcissus. I usually call them a daffodil. The best-known daffodil, sometimes called a jonquil, is the trumpet like yellow flower that we see in the late winter.

The snowdrops are our first flowers to bloom. They start budding around February. Already the red maple has its tiny leaf buds. Over the winter everything is brown but toward the end of February, everything here starts to look colorful.

Up by the arbor in the yard, there are some yellow blossoms that are super thick. Most of the daffodils will stay at full bloom for about four to six weeks without fading. That is why spring is so pretty.

A daffodil is a perennial that grows from a bulb and flowers every spring, up to five years or more. There are about 50 different species of Narcissus and they are all members of the amaryllis family. Any type of flower can brighten up a room, and so we like to pick a bouquet of these springtime favorites and put them on our table in a vase to enjoy. I like flowers.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great article Isaac! I love flowers too!