Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Go West Young Man!

Painted Desert 1996

Over twenty-five years ago, our family heeded the call to go west. Much like the settlers of old, we did not know just how far west we would go, but the drive for change, adventure and desire to serve God wherever He would lead us drove the charge. With our young family in tow, our travels took us through Arkansas, down to Texas, through New Mexico and on to Arizona.

Wupatki Blow Hole 1996

As we traveled, we checked out property, housing, employment, and of course exciting sites along the way. Each day something new filled the agenda of exploration such as the Painted Desert, Grand Canyon, OK Corral, or Petrified Forest to name a few. In the end, it was the unlikely great state of Illinois that became our home. Hardly the west we had dreamed of, but being from Ohio, the mid-west is in our blood. Trees, land, and water soon had us on a homesteading adventure that continues to this day.

Wupatki Ruins 1996

Since our travels in 1996, our family has grown from three children to ten! Our six remaining children at home had never been able to experience the southwestern states and all the beauty they behold. In October, we were able to make a whirlwind tour through many of the same locations from twenty-five plus years ago, along with a few new ones!

Traveling with us was Amanda and her family, along with my mom, who also had never had the opportunity to explore the southwest. Over ten days, we covered over 5000 miles, discovering wonderous site after wonderous site. The next several blog posts from our family will be an attempt to share some of the wonderful beauty and exciting times shared on that adventure.

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