Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Soundsational Reflections

My mind can create the image, the little six-year-old girl excitedly sitting down at the piano to perform, a glorious vision of her fingers gliding over the black and white keys, letting loose imprisoned voices which stir the hearts of the listeners. Now, I see her enchanted, eyes sparkling with delight as she listens to her older sister pick out dozens of familiar tunes, her fingers appearing to effortlessly fly over the eight strings of the mandolin.
When I first came to be a part of my great big, wonderful family, I wanted to play music. From the beginning I was submersed into the melodious world of violins, guitars, mandolins, pianos and voices all blended together to create a soundsational home. I watched, listened, and knew I wanted to be a part of it all. I was going to be a musician.

Mama began to teach me. I tried to imagine there were balls underneath my fingers, keeping them curved upright like every good pianist does. Patiently, mama explained to me the language of music, the letters of the notes, their corresponding keys, etc. A little while later, Rachel tuned up, and gifted me with one of her older mandolins that she no longer used. I was ecstatic, and that instrument became one of my most loved and prized possessions.
The little girl was brought back to reality when it actually came time for her to play. I can feel her disappointment as she places her fingers on the piano. Instead of her glorious vision, she could only plunk out the notes to Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Instead of recognizable tunes, all that came from her mandolin’s strings was barely recognizable chords, and aching fingers. If you haven’t figured it out by now, the little girl in this story is me. Disappointed and discouraged, I became afraid that I might never be able to play music as well as the rest of my family. That is when Mama told me to realize that the reason we play is to give glory to God. Our music is a way to praise and worship Him. We hope that those who listen to our songs are encouraged and blessed by them, but we mustn’t lose focus of why we do it. And God gives the increase as we are diligent!

So, I continued to practice and practice and practice some more, and slowly my music transformed into what I wanted to hear. I am still learning. Sometimes I lose my focus and become nervous. But Mama told me that every musician feels that way in their own journey. I am so grateful for those who help me continue to make my musical vision become a reality. I am pleased that I listened and am still persevering to become a better musician for Him who gave me the ability and the aspiration to make music. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all the earth. Psalm 100:1


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