Monday, June 21, 2010

Orienteering Escapades for CHEHC

On June 19th at 5pm CHEHC Families were invited to gather at Providence Prairie for an Orienteering and Treasure Hunt for all ages!

What fun we had visiting under the shade of the oaks and hickories in our lawn chairs, roasting hotdogs, and sharing a meal together.

There were activities for the young utilizing map skills following the course of the Minikin Rill Trail.
We also pulled out our compasses and checked our pace counts for an orienteering treasure hunt designed for the adventurous. Among other things, we learned about rally points, shooting an azimuth, and landmarks. Our trek followed a course through both wooded and grassy land forms, across ravines and near waterways to find the cryptogram to break the code and find the treasure.
Though the attendance was slight, the enjoyment was immense.

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