We have new neighbors moving in on both sides of Providence Prairie.

The creatures that moved in to our north are a family of mostly nocturnal mammals.

We stumbled upon Mr. and Mrs. Beaver after seeing their gnawed tree from the road that crosses the creek they are inhabiting.

Each time we cross the bridge, the dam grows more and more.

Slides all along the creek and beaver prints were to be found.

There are many large trees that are chewed upon and one that has been felled and forms a bridge across the creek.

There is much evidence to verify their presence.

As they are mostly nocturnal, we have yet to see one of these shy rodents.

It is said that the loud noise made by their tail slapping against the water can be heard for about a mile.

The neighbor on the south is an Amish family that moved from
Arthur, IL to live near like Amish in the community close to Dale.

We welcome them to our corner of the world.
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