Sunday, November 29, 2009
A Hike at Ferne Clyffe
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Waiting on God
Beyond a beautifully lighted arbor, the kerosene lanterns lit the distance of the lane. The stars were out in all their glory- that would have been the scene you would have found on our evening of Thanksgiving, November 26th on Providence Prairie.
If you looked closely beneath the arbor, you might have seen a young man down on one knee asking to marry a fair young maiden. You may have caught sight of a twinkle as he eased an elegant ring onto her finger. You might have heard the maiden respond with a, "Yes, I will."
So now it is official! We would like to officially introduce you to Amanda's fiance- Ryan Cox. We all feel that he is a gift from God. They chose to wait on God's timing in their relationship and are so thankful they did, because in His time, all things are beautiful. They will share their first kiss at their wedding which will take place on Sunday, March 28, 2010 at Oil Belt Christian Service Camp in Flora, Illinois. There their friendship blossomed and there they will pledge their lives together before God.
It was definitely a night to remember!Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Handy Pin Cushion
Better watch out when Amanda is sewing. She uses whatever she can find for a handy pin cushion! :)
Not only will Ryan's beard come in handy for the Lincoln dinner reenactment, it fit the bill quite nicely when Amanda was in a pinch! We often get a good laugh from Amanda and Ryan's antics.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Processing Pumpkin
Now to make a few of those award winning pumpkin pies!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
New Neighbors
We have new neighbors moving in on both sides of Providence Prairie.
The creatures that moved in to our north are a family of mostly nocturnal mammals.
We stumbled upon Mr. and Mrs. Beaver after seeing their gnawed tree from the road that crosses the creek they are inhabiting.
Each time we cross the bridge, the dam grows more and more.
Slides all along the creek and beaver prints were to be found.
There are many large trees that are chewed upon and one that has been felled and forms a bridge across the creek.
Friday, November 20, 2009
CHEHC Leadership Conference
On the weekend of November 13th, Mark and Rhonda began their journey northward to attend the statewide ICHE Homeschool Leadership Conference. The first day brought them to business in Springfield and so they spent a day there.
They couldn't resist capturing a lovely picture of our state capital building brightly illuminated at night.
After more travelling and wonderful conversations, they arrived in Chicago for the evening of encouragement and networking provided by ICHE. It was great to be able to hear Kevin Swanson speak of generational home education.They relished in renewing old acquaintances as well as making new ones, and enjoyed an inspiring evening.
Throughout the course of the trip, they were able to watch the DVD series "Entrepreneurial Bootcamp for Christian Families" by Vision Forum. It was a very challenging and encouraging set and we are pleased we could afford them the time away to strengthen their relationship and thus our family.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Taking Down Blessings
God provided us with a wonderful blessing that included using a little elbow grease in the process.
We spent several days removing the roof sheathing.
The blown-in insulation that fell below had to be scooped up with a shovel and bagged.
It sure was a dusty job!
What fun-- cutting down a wall with a chain saw!
We are very thankful for the blessing of a building to utilize as part of our future shop here on Providence Prairie!Several hard days of work can look so easy in photos. :)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Deer Hunting 09
Monday, November 16, 2009
For Nostalgia's Sake
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The "Old" Game of Life
When Mark was from twelve to sixteen years old, he worked at Donovan's Greenhouse in Lynchburg and diligently saved his money. During that time period, when he was around twelve, he saw a game on the shelves of Sheeter's 5 and 10. Boy, did he want to own it for himself! He saved and saved until he had the $16.00 that was so hard to come by for a child in 1975.
Proud as could be, he walked into the store, straight to the aisle, straight to the shelf, and took the Game of Life to the front counter. The special trip into town was quite an excitement, but the trip home was even more so. He went right home and played the game for hours with his brothers.
And every time that we pull that game from our shelves and play it, it reminds us. It reminds us to save, it reminds us to hope, it reminds us to work hard. It also reminds us that the economy was quite different in the 1970's than it is today! And it fills our family with good memories as we spend family time together reminiscing and telling the pieces of our history that are important to knitting a family close together.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Cinnamon Twists
Monday, November 9, 2009
A Homecoming to Lynchburg Church of Christ
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Clair's Visit
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