This past Sunday was a very busy day for the McDaniel Family. Saturday, some of us arrived home exhausted yet joyful from Music Camp in Flora, Illinois.

Sunday morning, after worship, we travelled across the county to share in the Homecoming festivities of Union Missionary Baptist church. After a nice meal shared together, we proceeded
upstairs to present the Gospel in song,
followed by a convicting message from their guest speaker.

Following this, we scurried home to change our clothes and do the afternoon/evening feeding before heading off to Dale Christian church to meet the
DeLaughter Family and the rest of the church family at
DCC for our quarterly fellowship.

Chris was one of the chef's for the occasion.

DeLaughter Family was in the US on a medical leave after the birth of the
newest addition to their family- Jonathan. It was great to catch up with what is happening in their lives and their work in Tanzania.

With the fish fried to perfection and crispy potatoes and hush puppies, along with the rest of the side dishes, we proceeded to the fellowship area to break bread together. The evening service included an update on the work being done for the Lord in Tanzania, Africa.
All things considered, it was a very good day.