On our way back from Ohio, we picked up Clair- a friend of ours- to come for a visit to Providence Prairie. We had a great trip back and were very excited to arrive at our farm. The next morning, we awoke and set to the many exciting things we had planned. Poor Clair had an eye infection for part of the time, and we laughed and were amused at the various home remedies we tried. She said that the baking soda rinse helped the most!
We skirted wool to prepare it for washing, and gathered natural dye-stuff to dye some yarn that we had made previously.
We harvested goldenrod, bark, and walnuts. 

Amanda taught Rachel and Clair how to make cornhusk dolls.
It took them a few hours to complete them, but it was worth it in the end with the beautiful outcome.

We swam almost every day and enjoyed riding the zip-line and jumping off of the end of the dock.-c.jpg)
We daily visited the animals and enjoyed teaching Clair how to move the electric netting fence.
She is a real worker!
Rhonda gave her a crash course in piano, and now Clair is diligently practicing at her own home!
We were sad to have to take Clair back home as she grew into part of our big family! We love you Clair!
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