We enjoyed a delicious carry-in meal with a wide variety of food, plenty enough for all.

Some little fingers got into the swing of things while we were passing time.

Callie, Corey, Cord
What wide variety of talent was soon seen as person after person presented their work before us.

Piano selections, readings, memorization work, and string instruments all took part in the evening's entertainment.
Macie and Sarah


The crowd waited patiently to see who would give the next presentation. . . .

We had never had this many presentations in the past and were delighted with every one!
After a rousing chorus of the 12 Days of Homeschool, the gift exchange came next.
Every girl makes a homemade present for a girl, and the boys likewise.
It is exciting to see the different capabilities that were used to make these works of art. Thanks, Ken, for sharing some of your pictures!
Afterward, we laughed and conversed with wonderful friends until it was time to head home. What an enjoyable night!

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