What a wonderful weekend full of worship, fun, and fellowship. Family Camp is a growing event at Dale Christian church. We had the largest attendance yet this year, with around five families staying to camp and many more who attended the numerous activities.
Saturday evening began with a workshop led by Chris that strengthened our hearts. He did an excellent job of teaching on the importance of fellowship within the church body.
The next activity was the yearly apple bobbing tournament. Amanda was last year's reigning champion. She watched and waited until the rest of the
bobbers were narrowed down one by one. The judges had a difficult time deciding who to eliminate as both old and young alike took their places at the washtub filled with swirling apples.

After one by one were set down, the competition became one of sister against sister! Amanda and Rachel were to fight the battle- best two out of three.

. . . And our champion is. . . .
. . . Amanda!
While the bobbing went on, the fire had burned down to coals, making it perfect to roast our
hot dogs.

Following supper, we started our annual marshmallow stuffing contest.

One by one, marshmallows are stuffed into the contestant's mouth until they can hold no more! Jerry, last year's reigning champion, was defeated this year by William who used an unusual stuffing method which turned him into a sticky mess!

After we cleaned our faces, it was time to re-focus for the campfire devotion and singing, followed by campfire stories.
After a good night's sleep, we began the morning with a Prayer Walk. It was a spiritually uplifting time.
Our morning worship time was followed by dinner and fellowship. An exciting treasure hunt was soon to follow. Two ladies from the past visited us as we helped them find their great-great grandpapa's hidden treasure.
They reminded us that our real treasure is the found in the Word of God.
Bill planned the games that followed. They were such fun!

The evening concluded with our quarterly fellowship meal and worship service.
What a wonderful weekend of Family Camp spent with our Christian family!
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