After one by one were set down, the competition became one of sister against sister! Amanda and Rachel were to fight the battle- best two out of three.
. . . And our champion is. . . .
. . . Amanda!
After we cleaned our faces, it was time to re-focus for the campfire devotion and singing, followed by campfire stories.After a good night's sleep, we began the morning with a Prayer Walk. It was a spiritually uplifting time.
Our morning worship time was followed by dinner and fellowship. An exciting treasure hunt was soon to follow. Two ladies from the past visited us as we helped them find their great-great grandpapa's hidden treasure.
They reminded us that our real treasure is the found in the Word of God.
Bill planned the games that followed. They were such fun!
The evening concluded with our quarterly fellowship meal and worship service.
In the meantime, Rachel gathered Sumac berries to make Sumac Lemonade. Buddy, our miniature jack decided he wanted to help pick berries as well!It tasted refreshing to have a "wild" drink as the day was very hot!
Molly and Polly, both standard size jennets, decided that since we were going to have a treat, they wanted one too! Theirs was not a beverage of sorts, but rather a pile of straw sitting atop a fence post! Trey's hat looked like a tasty treat!
They totally destroyed his hat in an attempt to get what nourishment they thought there was in the straw! Donkeys are so funny!
Sadly this year was dry, so we harvested only a little over a gallon of honey. Hopefully next year's weather will cooperate more so that the bees can have lots of flowers to visit. Home-grown honey tastes so good! Maybe this winter we will enjoy a little cornbread, butter, and honey! Yum! Yum!
The pigs are growing quickly. The little one has grown so much since she first arrived at Providence Prairie. They thoroughly enjoy the slop they receive every morning, making themselves such a mess!
We are drying off Cinnamon and Buttermilk, as their bellies are growing and they need a rest from milking before having babies. Buttermilk let us know just what she thought of that!
Saturday evening, we traversed north to Piopolis to the Tennyson's home for the annual Fall Homeschool Meeting. We had 51 in attendance! After the chili supper and presentations by several of the children, we played music and sang while the rain poured down outside. A good time was had by all.
They were enjoying a moment in mechanics together as they contemplated the next move to make.
The clouds began to build as we proceeded with the evening farm chores. We have had several light rains off and on for a few days, but this storm that was a'brewin' looked like it would last for a while. It is yet to get here, but it is on its way.
The sun outlined the storm clouds in the west with pure gold. It truly was a sight to behold!
Gracing the sky in the east, we beheld a small rainbow, reminding us of God's promise to never flood the earth again! What a wonderful way to end our day.
It is so gratifying to know that in future downpours that come to Providence Prairie, we can stay dry sitting outside, watching the rain fall, listening to the pitter-patter from under the new porch roof!