Friday, December 21, 2007
Carmi Christian church Senior Christmas Banquet
Babies Have Arrived!!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007
HMHD Catered Christmas

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Reminiscing at WMCL

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Hamilton Memorial Nursing Center Christmas Party

Monday, December 10, 2007
CHEHC Homeschool Christmas Party

We enjoyed a delicious carry-in meal with a wide variety of food, plenty enough for all.

Some little fingers got into the swing of things while we were passing time.

Macie and Sarah


The crowd waited patiently to see who would give the next presentation. . . .

Monday, December 3, 2007
Winter's A'Coming!

The Christmas season is upon us. Our cabin is decorated, except for the tree. Hopefully we will cut one this weekend. Mrs. Coyote looks festive in her Santa hat.
For many years we have searched for a manger scene that has a removable baby Jesus. We are so excited to have finally found one this past year. Our manger remains empty until Christmas morning in great expectation of the arrival of the Christ-child. After we read the Christmas story first thing on Christmas morning, it is with anticipation that we find Him filling the manger. Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas! He is the one we look forward to on Christmas morning as everything at Christmas-time centers around Him. If He hadn't been born, we would have no hope of salvation! Our God is good!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Building in the Barnyard

Monday, November 26, 2007
A visit from the McDaniel's

the boys finally won one game!

Oh no! The baby's crying!
Ahh, this baby is sleeping peacefully.
That evening, a variety of games were brought out again with several sets going at once. Avalanche, Scrabble, Tri-ominos, and Yahtzee were just a few! (Have you guessed that our game closet was recently completed?)
Mark was the Yahtzee champion!
After a fun filled weekend, we worshiped together Sunday morning. The service being over, we said our goodbyes and our company headed away on their six hour trip home to Ohio. What a grand time we had visiting with the McDaniel's!