We also came home with a bottle calf!
It's that time of year again. Plants are being shipped all over this country, and we received our shipment of 100 Christmas tree seedlings.
This is our third year of planting, and it has become a time we all look forward to. With a Saturday full of so many things to do, Amanda and Rachel planted the 100 trees all by themselves while the other members of the family attended to their various tasks.
Although hard work, it is such fun to look back at a job well done!
Merry Christmas! :-) (in about 4-9 years.)
Rather than using a kit from the store or food coloring, we took several different colors of crepe paper, tore them into pieces and soaked them in separate cups of boiling water. The colors bled into the water leaving a white piece of crepe paper and several muted, very pretty dyes. We think the result was lovely on our Rhode Island Red brown eggs. Maybe next year we will try using natural dyes such as carrot and beet, grass and cedar. The wool that we dyed using onion skins, goldenrod, or cedar turned out lovely, and so might the eggs!
"Joyfulness keeps the heart and face young. A good laugh makes us better friends with ourselves and everybody around us." ~ Marden
Wednesday evening saw the finale of the revival. There were 99 present - wonderful! We enjoyed being able to help minister with the music through this revival. The family of believers at Springerton Christian church were gracious and hospitable, and we are happy to have been a part of the work the Lord is doing there. May God continue to bless our brothers and sisters in the Lord!