Soon, the folks began to roll in.
After signing the guest book, each received a Scavenger Hunt bag and list to begin the fun!
People arrived from all over Southern Illinois- Chester, Marion, Thompsonville, Ellis Grove, Mt. Vernon, Centralia, Belle Rive, Harrisburg, and Hamilton County were all represented. We totalled over 100 that evening! We were thrilled with such a good turnout and so many in pioneer costume!
Pioneer games and activities galore were available for everyone to play, with such variety as Rolling the Hoop, the game of Graces,
just to name a few. What fun they were!
Sack races in the straw bale maze were eventually replaced with homemade fun of a different sort- developed by the children themselves!
Available close by was the Prairie Peddler Shop, (a horse trailer converted into a covered wagon) with Straw Hats, Bonnets, and the like available for purchase. Amanda performed a spinning demonstration at the front of the shop.
Hay rides went on all evening long. Each one was packed to capacity.
Trey took the participants on the historic Old Goshen Road. They even passed the place where Jessie James hid in a barn long since gone. What fun! As new rock was recently added to the driveway, the men obligingly got out and helped to push the fully loaded wagon up the hill. It just added to the enjoyment of it all!
The wiener roast was eagerly embraced by hungry guests, which was followed by singing and then a read-aloud of The Princess and the Kiss. Mark led us in prayer and devotion.
We had a splendid time, well spent with homeschoolers from all over Southern Illinois! The Pioneer Prairie Fest was a successful event, full of fun for everyone! It shall prove to be an annual event on Providence Prairie.