Thursday, September 21, 2023

A Magical World of Creativity

Sitting up on the game closet shelf is a village of tininess. This town has been there for about three years. Calico Critters are one of my favorite little toys to play with. They have been for a long while now. Calico Critters were first made in Japan in the year 1985.

There's a large variety of miniature critters with homes, furniture, and lots of different kinds of accessories. I have a lot of the animals that there are. I have gotten many over the years as gifts. Calico Critters are sold in so many families, such as the rabbits which are some of my favorite ones to play with when I do have them out. There’re big ones, smaller ones, and cute little baby ones. All of them are one-of-a-kind. The animal figures are very amazing because they are made of a special cloth that gives them a soft feeling.

Using my Calico Critters, I have made many stop motions films. It makes the animals seem to come alive! They are easier to make when you have the small little pieces to work with. My Calico Village is a happy place. All of the critters have a special part in the town, just like in the actual world. I have made approximately five stop motion films, most of which are currently in production.

My Calico Critters sometimes get dusty while they are sitting there on the shelf waiting for me to play with them. I don't play with them as much as I used to. Nevertheless, I still love them just as much as I did. Calico Critters still is a magical world of creativity in our home.


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