Tuesday, August 8, 2023

A Lip-smacking Tasty Treat!

“Ouch! That hurt!” I said as a thorny blackberry plant poked my arm while reaching for a big juicy berry. The blackberries were ready to pick again, so I was gathering them. Our berry plants are behind the grapes, in the orchard, and are growing very well. We already have picked six gallons of blackberries so far, and there are still lots of berries that are not ripe yet. My goal is to pick up to ten gallons of berries. I am more than halfway!

Earlier this month, I went out a few times to pick wild blackberries. I would start at the top of the field, then work my way on the big trail along the wood line of our property. When I got to the end of the trail, my bucket would be half full of the delicious berries. Then to top them off, I went to the plants in the orchard and filled the bucket the rest of the way.

After I pick a gallon of berries, I bring them up to the house and wash them. Then I lay the blackberries out on a cookie sheet and put them in the freezer to flash-freeze. Then the next day when the berries are frozen, I take them off the sheet and put them in a gallon freezer bag. It is fun to watch the bags fill up.

Blackberries are in my list of favorite berries. They are juicy, sweet, and are a lip-smacking tasty treat. The berries are yummy in smoothies, also mixed with other berries, but my favorite way to eat them is in a blackberry cobbler. Blackberries are very healthy for you. They have vitamin K in them and are packed with minerals and fiber. They also help to fight disease.

The blackberry season is almost over. It will be a little sad when the berries are gone, but I know they will come back next year. I love picking blackberries. It is fun to watch the bucket fill up and see how much you can pick. We have six gallons of berries in the freezer, and I hope to get a lot more!

~ Jonah


Anonymous said...

They sure look yummy Jonah! I love blackberry jelly too , do you?

Providence Prairie said...

Mmm! Blackberry jelly! It's always good!