Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Waiting For Them To Appear

Last year under the Christmas tree there was a brightly colored present for Mom. As she opened it, we all noticed something orange beneath the wrapping paper. She pulled it out and we all discovered that it was an Oriole feeder.

Mom likes to feed the birds. In the wintertime, we like to feed the birds bird seed. We also like to give the birds suet. In the springtime, we like to hang up hummingbird feeders.

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

A couple days ago we got the bright orange feeder out of storage and Mom put some grape jelly in the bowl. After a thorough search for a sturdy branch, Jayla helped her hang it up.

Birds like Robins, Brown Thrasher, European Starling, Cedar Waxwing, House Finch, and Northern Cardinal all like jelly. 

Orchard Oriole
Boston Oriole
Orioles like to eat insects, fruit, nectar, and jelly. In the summertime, while they take care of their chicks, most of the food that they eat is insects.

Summer Tanager

Butterflies have visited the feeder. Yesterday, Mom, Jayla, and Unique saw a pair of summer tanagers out the kitchen window. No Orioles have come yet. I cannot wait for them to appear.

Red Spotted Purple Butterfly

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