Thursday, July 7, 2022

The Family Meal Table

At our house, the family meal table is a very special place. A place where we not only fill our stomachs, but our hearts and minds as well. The Fruit of the Spirit is always served. We all hold hands and give thanks to the Lord for the blessing of the food that has been placed before us, before we enjoy the delicious meal.

We sit around the table and hear the latest news from Dad as to what is happening in the world. We practice our manners and learn proper table etiquette from Mama. Sitting around the table we can look at each other’s faces and talk of our happenings of the day. Many are the memories and stories that have been shared around the old oaken table. It is a time to re-connect and re-charge as we laugh together, learn together, and share a meal. In the Bible, it says in Acts 2:46 that “They [the disciples] broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.” Glad and sincere hearts. What a great way to be!

Our table is a place of encouragement and uplifting. At our table, if you are not smiling and joyful, there is no place for you to join. There have been times you are sent into the other room to find your smile that was lost. Hunger helps to locate it quickly, and a happy face makes the heart cheerful, and consequently, your tummy full.

My favorite part of family-get-togethers is when we all sit down to the good home-cooked meal. Stories are shared and laughter fills the air, compliments on the food are given, sometimes we even sing together. We can sit around the table for hours on end just enjoying each other’s company.

In our home, every meal is served with love. The Bible says in Proverbs 15:17, “Better is a dish of vegetables where love is than a fattened ox served with hatred.” No matter what we have for the meal, as long as we are together, that is what makes us most happy.

The table, surrounded by my joyful family is a very pleasant place to be. I will always remember and cherish all the times we have gathered round that beautiful oak table to nourish both body and soul. The family meal table is a wonderful place.


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